2. Abstraction 3. Without Action
16. Decay and Renewal 17. Rulers
24. Indulgence 25. Beneath Abstraction
36. Opposition 37. Tranquillity
40. Motion and Use 41. Following
52. Clarity 53. Difficult Paths
54. Cultivate Harmony 55. Soft Bones
56. Impartiality 57. Conquer with Inaction
57. Conquer with Inaction 58. No End
63. Difficulty 64a. Care at the Beginning
64b. Care at the End 65. Subtlety
66. Lead by Following 67. Unimportance
70. Individuality 71. Limitation
Not praising the worthy prevents contention,
Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft,
Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire. In this manner the sage governs people:
Emptying their minds,
Filling their bellies,
Weakening their ambitions,
And strengthening their bones.
If people lack knowledge and desire
Then they can not act;
If no action is taken
Harmony remains.
我有一朵花,能合又能发,不见花有叶,花根手中扎。 (打一生活物)
578生在山上是青的,死在地上是黄的,不过刨子是圆的,不放糖蜜是甜的。 (打一水果)
971桃李开花脚踏泥,出水荷花头戴珠,身穿茅草百节衣,皇帝无我不登基。 (打一植物)
361三点到宁波 (打一字)
364团团圆圆半寸高,又爱风凉又害臊,十八姑娘喜欢我,低下头来弯下腰。 (打一物)
110不怕身上脏,墙角把身藏,出来走一走,地面光又光。 (打一清洁用品)
910鱿鱼售光 (打一字)
72心爱离人归墓下,三更枕边泪掩眼 (广东地名)
430倾心携手定有日 (打一字)
279红竹子,桃绿旗,白了心,黑了皮。 (打一植物)