2. Abstraction 3. Without Action
16. Decay and Renewal 17. Rulers
24. Indulgence 25. Beneath Abstraction
36. Opposition 37. Tranquillity
40. Motion and Use 41. Following
52. Clarity 53. Difficult Paths
54. Cultivate Harmony 55. Soft Bones
56. Impartiality 57. Conquer with Inaction
57. Conquer with Inaction 58. No End
63. Difficulty 64a. Care at the Beginning
64b. Care at the End 65. Subtlety
66. Lead by Following 67. Unimportance
70. Individuality 71. Limitation
Who understands does not preach;
Who preaches does not understand.
Reserve your judgments and words;
Smooth differences and forgive disagreements;
Dull your wit and simplify your purpose;
Accept the world.
Friendship and enmity,
Profit and loss,
Honour and disgrace,
Will not affect you;
The world will accept you.
八一颂 (打一《楚辞》篇目)
215池里一只盘,大水盛不满,小雨纷纷落上头,好似珍珠一串串 (打一植物)
982舌头长来肚子大,乌江里边伸嘴巴,到哪你都带着它,不摘帽子不讲话。 (打一文具)
618黄泥罐里装珍珠,口小肚大拿不出,打破泥罐拿出来,酸酸甜甜味足。 (打一水果)
1068伪造账目 (打一数学名词)
583两只毒钳胸前挂,后面拖着弯尾巴。药用保健价值高,不要徒手去惹它。 (打一动物)
1048二人集中到一点 (打一字)
85喜相逢 (广东地名)
613壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日 (礼貌用语)