作者:史少博 摘要:《周易正义》是唐朝孔颖达为魏、晋时王弼、韩康伯《周易注》所作的疏,其总结并发展了汉易,促进了汉易向宋易的转化。《周易正义》并成为王弼“无本论”向张载“气本论”转化的桥梁与中间环节。孔颖达从“无本论”向张载“气本论”转化的主要标志,是他对“太虚”概念的阐发和对阴阳二气的阐释。 关键词:太虚;阴阳之气;无本论;气本论 The Rectifications of Meanings of Zhouyi: A bridge of transformation from ontology of non-existence to that of Qi Abstract: The Rectifications of Meanings of Zhouyi is an annotative book compiled by KONG Ying-da (574-648) of the Tang Dynasty for the Commentaries on Zhouyi by WANG Bi (226-249). It summarized and developed the school of Han Yi and improved the transformation from the Han Yi to Song Yi. I